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How it works

Import your documents
Seamlessly import documents from various sources, including virtual datarooms, Google Drive, SharePoint, and more. For unique cases, manual upload is also supported. Our system accommodates a wide range of file formats, ensuring compatibility with your diverse document types.
Automatic document structuring
Our AI-powered system automatically categorizes and organizes your documents, efficiently structuring your entire dataroom. It intelligently links files to your predefined categories and subcategories, saving time and ensuring a logical information hierarchy.
Data structuring
Spot issues
Spot missing documents
Our system automatically scans datarooms against your customized document checklist. It identifies missing files, flagging them for your review. Streamlining the request for documents process.
Jurimesh facilitates efficient document review and analysis. Whether you're using our curated presets or tailoring the analysis with your own questions and expertise, we empower you to process hundreds of documents in minutes. Uncover hidden insights, identify potential issues, and extract key information effortlessly.
Navigate the dataroom
Ask Questions
Explore your dataroom effortlessly using natural language queries. Engage with your AI assistant to ask questions, dive deeper with follow-ups, and obtain precise answers tailored to your needs.